Monday, January 30, 2006

Dry Ear Wax - It's a gene thing

There's no question by two kidlets from Korea came to me with dry, flaky ear wax. Very common in Asian populations. (Piper had a truly spectacular build up as a toddler. The kind doctors talk about amongst themselves. The kind that can keep a kid from hearing well.

That's when I got the ear "scoop."

I have a Korean-type ear scoop thing that I use to keep the kids' ears clean. Very gently and not deep. And while it may be an Asian thing, my eldest daughter has it, too, so she gets scooped from time to time, also.

UPDATE! You can get your very own ear scoop at Dr. Leondards! Click the banner and do a search for ear scoop.


In any case, here's an interesting article about the whole deal - and it comes down to a single gene.

Read more about it here...

Gene found that determines type of earwax

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