Sunday, November 12, 2006

Birthmothers: Unspoken Side of Adoption

Look for this new documentary sometime in 2007:

"Resilience finally gives birthmothers who had to give up their child a voice about being single mothers, international adoption practices and society.

The documentary allows them to contemplate this serious, but often ignored and misrepresented, social issue in Korea. The personal stories about how and what happened are sometimes shocking and very emotional to the women. Only a few of the approached women had enough courage to participate. ``There are some birthmothers who are ready to speak up. The ones who participated usually met their child again.’’ The sensitiveness of the topic is illustrated by one young woman being filmed in silhouette."

Although it has a very religious tone which may be oft putting to some readers, the book, I Wish for You A Wonderful Life offers another useful glimpse into the perspective of our children's Korean mothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have that book, it's really very powerful. I think it's called I wish for you a beautiful life.

Happy Holidays!

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